/rest/api/3/search does not render comment.body and worklog.body in HTML

Hello community and team!

We are migrating one of our Cloud app from Jira REST API v2 to new REST API v3 and discovered that /rest/api/3/search does not render comment.body and worklog.body fields in HTML even if we pass parameter expand=renderedFields. In “renderdFields” section I get the same body format as in “fields” section:

      "renderedFields": {
        "comment": {
          "comments": [
              "self": "https://vkrupachqa.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/10005/comment/10019",
              "id": "10019",
              "author": {...},
              "body": {
                "version": 1,
                "type": "doc",
                "content": [
                    "type": "paragraph",
                    "content": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "comment "
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "edited",
                        "marks": [
                            "type": "strong"

And it is fine in REST API v2:

      "renderedFields": {
        "comment": {
          "comments": [
              "self": "https://vkrupachqa.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/10005/comment/10019",
              "id": "10019",
              "author": {...},
              "body": "<p>comment <b>edited</b></p>",

I see that I can call GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment with expand=renderedBody but we will need to do additional request for every issue and we want to avoid this.

Can you please assist me clarifying if that’s a bug or expected behavior.


Please notice that the v3 endpoints are still beta as mentioned in the documentation page and we advise to keep on using the v2 endpoints for the time being.

Also, we have created below bug ticket in order to track this issue:

Hi team - just a heads up that this issue with the v3 search endpoint is still outstanding… Any plans to rectify? The bug ticket still seems to be open as well

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Hi @MichaelMoriarty ,

The status for the bug ticket is “long term backlog”. This means that:

A fix for this issue is required, but planned for farther in the future. This is because it’s not as severe or pervasive as other issues.

This is because, so far, this issue has not got enough traction (only 7 votes and 1 support ticket linked to it).

Therefore, in case more people are interested in the fix for this issue, I strongly advise to vote for the JAC and follow it for updates. For further details on this please review the Atlassian Cloud Bug Fixing Policy.
