REST API errors with 404:No message available

I am using Oauth2 for authenticating the Confluence Cloud APIs. All user, groups and search content APIs are failing with 404 error.
I have also not used offline_access scope to get the token here and have set the app refresh token setting to rotating.
I am able to hit the accessible-resources API successfully with the generated token. But none of the other APIs work.

Scopes added to the app and response of the accessible resources API :

Groups API response with error :


It all works for me. I tried:

All return results as expected. If I modify scopes, I can force Confluence to 401, but you have the right scopes. And, you get a 404, which makes me suspect the cloudId. Except, I can plainly see the match between accessible-resources and /ex/confluence/.

I’m curious if you can call the parallel API using only an API token?

Thanks for validating @ibuchanan.

After all the debugging I found the site was down for some reason, hence none of the APIs worked.

Restored it and the API works now.

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Hello I am facing the 404 error in the oauth based setup of the confluence app.

I have provided the following permissions-

write:confluence-content read:confluence-space.summary write:confluence-file read:confluence-props read:confluence-content.all read:confluence-content.summary read:confluence-content.permission read:confluence-user

Now my issue is - that when I am querying from the app it tells -404 , how to resolve?

These are apis-

get /wiki/api/v2/spaces

post /wiki/api/v2/pages

This is the schema-

openapi: 3.1.0 info: title: Atlassian Confluence API version: 1.0.0 servers: - url: - description: Trivago Confluence Server paths: /spaces: get: operationId: getSpaceInformation summary: Retrieve space information parameters: - in: query name: keys required: true schema: type: string description: The key of the space to retrieve responses: ‘200’: description: Success content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: id: type: string security: - bearerAuth: /pages: post: operationId: createPage summary: Create a new page requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: spaceId: type: string status: type: string title: type: string parentId: type: string body: type: object properties: representation: type: string example: storage value: type: string required: - spaceId - status - title - body responses: ‘200’: description: Page created successfully security: - bearerAuth: components: securitySchemes: bearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT

I have deployed the app in the confluence cloud also.

I saw the documentation, but the following permissions are not there in the app-

read:space:confluence ,


For more details- Which permissions are rquired for /spaces and /pag…

I have added the scopes and other urls