REST module didn't work correctly with jira 6.4.10 but work with 6.4.11 and older

Hello! We try support jira 6.4 for our plugin. But after 6.4.10 Rest requests return 404 (Not Found). Maybe, do you have idea?


People will probably be unable to help unless you make clear what REST endpoints you are talking about specifically.

Hi! Thanks for answer!

We uses REST API module jira, and have own endpoints. I think it isn’t matter, cause these endpoints work correctly with jira 6.4.11- 8.20. So, it should work and for jira 6.4 - 6.4.10 =(

I think it can be problem with dependencies version.

        <!-- This key is used to keep the consistency between the key in atlassian-plugin.xml and the key to generate bundle. -->

Now, trying set versions that use 1.7 java :pensive:

Does the server running the plugin have any errors on plugin startup? When you install the plugin again into a running instance, do you see any errors logged? You likely are receiving errors in the application log if the classes are not instantiated in some versions.