RestAPI for getting workflow step details

I am looking for a rest for getting a workflow step properties like these:

Is there any way I can get these programmatically ?
More specifically I am interested in the property.
I need a way to get the workflows for a project, check their statuses and check this prop of any status.
I got through the rests for workflows but noone returns the actual steps properties.
Please advice if there is any way to get these, if not directly from a single rest.

Hello @AAleksandrov

You’ve read the documentation correctly. There currently are no API endpoints for managing workflow steps or their properties.

Currently you can only manage transition properties.

That’s unfortunate… I need a way to get through the workflows of a project, check their statuses and see if any status has attached approval step.
Currently I found that it is only available to get if a status has approval step only when a ticket is set to that status, by JQL search with approval=pending(). But this doesn`t work for my needs cause I need to know if such step exist before it is assigned on a ticket.
If anyone has an idea how can i do that, please advice.

Found a way => /rest/api/3/workflow/search? .
Just saw that there’s an option to expand properties. :slight_smile:

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Nice! I hadn’t thought of that.

It’s also where you encounter some strangeness of the workflow terminology used in the GUI versus the API.

For that workflow search endpoint, you can provide expand parameters called statuses or, but what is actually returned is a set of workflow steps and their properties, not any statuses linked to those steps or any properties of those statuses.

IMHO, those parameters really should be called steps and

PS. If you solve your own problem, it’s OK to mark your own answer as the solution.

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