RESTAPIV2 “CreatePage” in Confluence generates a blog(ConfluenceのRESTAPIV2「CreatePage」でブログが生成される)

Sorry if this is a machine translation and difficult to understand.

I ran “CreatePage” in RESTAPIV2 in Confluence and the blog was generated.

We would like to generate a Wiki (page) via API, is it wrong to use “CreatePage”?

When I looked at the API reference, I interpreted “CreatePage” as being prepared to create a wiki (page) because “Create blog post” exists.

Thank you in advance.



APIリファレンスを見ると、「Create blog post」が存在するため、「CreatePage」はwiki(ページ)作成されるために用意されていると解釈していました。


Hello @onda.sho,

We would like to generate a Wiki (page) via API, is it wrong to use “CreatePage”?

Yes, this is correct. I tested it using the following request body and I got the correct

  "spaceId": "<spaceId>",
  "status": "current",
  "title": "This page is created via REST API",
  "body": {
    "representation": "storage",
    "value": "Hello world"

Can you share the request body you used?
