I tried to migrate a plugin (using active objects) to Jira 10.3 with Spring Java Configuration, using this tutorial:
Before, I used this:
private static ActiveObjects s_aoBranches = null;
public BranchManager(@JiraImport ActiveObjects ao)
BranchManager.s_aoBranches = ao;
Now I’m trying to use it this way:
private static ActiveObjects s_aoBranches = null;
public BranchManager(ActiveObjects activeObjects)
BranchManager.s_aoBranches = activeObjects;
My Spring configuration class contains:
public class SpringBeans {
public ActiveObjects activeObjects() {
return importOsgiService(ActiveObjects.class);
But when I start, I get a null pointer to that class.
Is there any working example available for using ActiveObjects with the new spring configuration?
Thanks for any help!