RFC-25: [Superseded by RFC-29] App Access Rule - followup to New App Data Access APIs

Hi @JustinThirkell,

Thank you for the RFC.

Would it be possible for Atlassian to pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty please not introduce Yet Another Shiny New Technology?

Why does Atlassian think that partners are happy with having to support a different type of format for events compared to Connect install hooks or product events specifically for App permissions?

Does Atlassian really think we have nothing else to do?

Either Atlassian is now expressing its desire to rewrite the entire event code base to support this new format (which can be gradually, does not have to be big bang) or this is just another siloed team doing their own thing and not taking into consideration the bigger picture. If it is the latter, I’ll pass. If that breaks our apps, fine by me.

Same goes for the ARI. There is not other situation in which Atlassian uses ARI. This is not supported by any of the REST API’s. Looking at the format of the ARI there is also no way for us to map it back to an identifier that is accepted by the product APIs exposed to partners.

This RFC is making global changes to the Atlassian Marketplace Partner developer experience, which are not warranted by the scope of this RFC.


CC: @ibuchanan @tpettersen