RFC-32: Confluence Content Customization

Hi all, thanks for your thoughtful comments and feedback. We’ve been connecting internally on the next steps here and wanted to share an update on a few key themes and points:

On the EAP:

  • You can sign up for the EAP here to try out the latest changes. There will be a separate one in mid-February for the Front Cover portion of the changes. Continue to monitor the changelog for an announcement.

On Further Release Dates:

  • Dependent on what we learn through EAP feedback, we’re targeting an open beta around April, and a GA release of these features between May and September.
  • One exception is the new header and title, which is scheduled to start slowly rolling out mid to late February.

On Future Macros:

  • We hear you on wanting to know more about what is next here. There are currently no plans to create additional premium macros besides those two. We would plan to share back if plans change.

On Macro Formatting:

  • We acknowledge the challenges with macro formatting and providing a WYSIWYG experience. As shared here, we are working on a new extension that aims to address some of the rendering challenges that vendors have faced when implementing bodied macros.
  • While this initial release is focused on tab macros, we see a lot of potential for this new macro to solve other formatting use cases in the future. We will be releasing an EAP for vendors in the coming weeks and we would love to hear your feedback. Continue to check the changelog for more.

On Theming API:

  • While we are not making any changes to the theming API as part of this project’s EAP release, we have decided to make improvements to the API in the near future. We know that many of you have already provided feedback in the past but if you are interested in speaking with us about specific improvements that would benefit your use case, please use this calendar to set up time.

We appreciate your candor, and each of you taking the time to engage with this post. We look forward to staying connected and hearing more of your feedback through our Partner Early Access opportunities.