RFC-52: Folders as a New Confluence Content Type

Hey @NickBourlier

E.g. today, users can export either a single page, whole space, or a sub-set of the space (page tree)

Will it be possible to enable users to group pages under a folder and export them together?

Thanks for the feedback @anshuman - at least to start with, export with Folders should act similar to parent pages and other content types (I believe selection of a parent and its children is possible today with export).


Folders won’t have a dedicated view at this point, so I don’t think this byline item will exist for Folders.

Thank you to everyone who posted comments on the above RFC! Your inputs surrounding this work has sparked some great conversations both internally and externally.

This RFC is now closed as per the date mentioned above. We plan to make a Beta release within the next couple of months and will continue to iterate on feedback from you all and others!