While being able to send events would be very helpful, limiting it to just a key seems to me like a missed opportunity.
To this day I don’t think I event used an event only by its key or type, but also always use data within the event to take action.
@srusso is it possible to also include data in the event?
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Thanks @srusso for this RFC, this is something we were expecting to have in Forge to react to other app events.
Will it work with Connect in Forge apps? As they are literally a Forge app, I hope yes.
On the other hand, as other people here were saying, we will need to pass some custom data in the event to be able not only to react to it but to unblock lots of use cases. Imagine the app A is sending an event when something is created into the app A. The app B is listening to this event and want to do something regarding the created data in the app A. As the app B cannot access the app A created data, this may block the use case here.
Overall, this sounds good, I hope you may also enhance webtriggers in the near future to be able to build a better APIs in our apps. That way, we can communicate easier to integrate them and react to events with this specific feature too.
Have a nice day!
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@srusso Would this work cross-product on the same instance? This feature could then eliminate our current need for a webtrigger to communicate between our Jira and Confluence apps.