Route`/rest/api/3/field/ rest api returns auth error

Hello community, I’m developing a custom field with forge. When I send request =>
const response = await api.asUser().requestJira(route/rest/api/3/field/) in custom field config page, SOMETIMES it returns {code: 401, message: ‘Unauthorized scope does not match’}. When I reload the page it works fine.

Hello, we have the same issue with API call: ‘/rest/api/3/project/search’.
We have set all permissions scope listed under classic and granular.
Do you solved this issue?

Please could you remove the last / and try it again?

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@emrekaraduman the suggestion from @AnTs should fix the issue.

Support for lenient URL path processing for OAuth 2.0 requests is being removed. Roll-out is currently at 50%.

Please see the removal notice and the deprecation notice for more details.

@AhmedDrira you may also be affected by this. Please see above if your code matches either of the described cases.

If you are unable to find to troubleshoot your specific case, please submit a Developer Support request.

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