Seeking feedback: Realm to realm migration for Connect Apps

regarding the endpoint /migration/start do we have any payload indicating the source and target regions of migration?

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Hi @PurnaChandraBoyapati thanks for your feedback.

why do we need a commit notification specifically ? since Endpoint 3 already indicates if “Complete” or not

Our thinking of how app migrations will work together with host product migrations has evolved from the time this post was released. We are still in the process of finalising these endpoints, and as you highlighted, we may no longer require the commit endpoint. We will confirm this once we finalise details of these endpoints.

regarding the endpoint /migration/start do we have any payload indicating the source and target regions of migration?

We have not yet finalised the specific payloads for these endpoints. Our intent at this stage is that ‘schedule’ endpoint will include most of the information, including target regions, while ‘start’ endpoint is to indicate that a migration has commenced.

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Still waiting for a reference implementation in ACE. Any chance this will get made?


Hi @boris thanks for your question. Data residency support for ACE is in our roadmap for this FY. We will update on this post once we have a firmer timeline. In regards to realm pinning, a workaround for ACE was outlined here.

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Hi @SushantBista do you have an update on when these migration endpoints might be available?


Hi @jbevan, these endpoints will be officially available as part of a GA release, currently targeted for June. The core app data residency team are finalising the endpoint definitions, however we have dependencies on other teams to integrate with backend services to align app and product realm migration events. I will confirm with the core team on when we can start sharing what these endpoints will look to help kick-start development planning ahead of GA release.

@SushantBista @valente
There’s a change in the behaviour of Atlassian when it comes to using our region specific URLs.

Until today we were working on the knowledge that Atlassian will not switch to using our region URLs after a migration on Jira’s side, until the customer uninstalls and re-installs our app.

Based on the following link

We were expecting that the next phase for this would be the release of the migration webhook events mentioned in this post.

The behaviour on Atlassian’s side has changed and we have had customers’ traffic being sent to different region URL without the customer uninstalling and installing again.

Have the above-mentioned webhook notifications been released?
We urgently need to understand what has changed on Atlassian’s end and update our app to cope with these region switches.

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Hi @NikolaNedoklanov thanks a lot for raising this. I have replied back and will provide further updates on this issue in your parallel post.

Just to confirm again, this is unexpected behaviour and our team is looking into resolving asap. The above mentioned realm migration solution is still WIP and not released yet.

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@SushantBista what is the development on these webhooks? Is this on track for release in June 2022?

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Hi @NikolaNedoklanov the migration endpoints are almost ready - however we are currently delayed with enablement of other dependent backend services. We are currently assessing the impact - but updated target timeframe looks to be end of September. We will confirm this new target timeline in a community post soon (I will update here as well and link to post). We apologise for the delay and late notice. We are still confirming the details.

However, we plan to share to the details of the migration endpoints very soon (in same community post mentioned above) so developers can start assessing the integration and plan the work.


@SushantBista thank you for the information. In fact, I would appreciate a lot if you could include a high-level view of the data residency plans as a whole in this post. We are a bit confused on whether data residency per-se is EAP or not, if it is stable or not.

Also, I’m concerned about customers getting routed to a different region once they re-install the app. If that happens for a current customer, essentially they will lose access to their data, because now Jira is providing app access through a different region. If you could include in the post some information on how others are dealing with this, I would deeply appreciate it.

Thank you.

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Hi @VitorPelizza thanks a lot for your feedback. We will provide details on the status of Connect realm pinning EAP in this post as well.

Regarding your concern around change of app region upon reinstallation - our understanding is that the customer data is required to be manually migrated/data load reconnected in order to link the existing data to new region for customers. However, we understand this is not ideal and we are currently exploring changing how reinstallation’s work in future. One option is that the reinstalled app would retain the original region, and the only way to change an app’s region would be via the new region migration service. Would this address your issues?

We will outline a proposal for this change in upcoming post as well to understand wider developer sentiment.

However please be aware that if we go ahead with the proposed change, it can only come into effect after release of new realm migration service, and possibly additional deprecation period maybe required.


Thank you @SushantBista. Looking forward for the coming post then.

Yes, what you proposed would definitely cover well the requirements, as each customer would actively perform the migration to the new region themselves (triggering some migration process on our side) as opposed to this happening automatically upon reinstallation. From my point of view, this would be a great way of handling migration of current customers.


Hi @SushantBista

It’s been a couple of months so I’m wondering if you can share any updates regarding the plans? It would be crucial for us to know if the behaviour around reinstallation is going to drastically change.


Hi @janette @VitorPelizza, sorry for the delay. The team have just provided an update on the realm migration service here.

We will also provide another update next week on proposed changes to app regions upon reinstallation.



Thank you @SushantBista, that’s very helpful! Looking forward to the next post.

I’m just missing another information about Data Residency in general: Is Data Residency for apps now considered production-ready, EAP or “experimental”? If it’s EAP, can we enrol specific customers?

Thank you.

Hi @VitorPelizza,

Data residency for Connect apps is currently an EAP feature. Right now, we provide support for realm pinning, however as you know we are still working on realm migration service. Once both capabilities are released, we will work on fine tuning the service based on our monitoring/user feedback, firm up the documentation/guidelines and move the feature to GA.

For realm pinning, you can already extend this capability to your customers (more details here). Similarly, when we release the realm migration EAP, you will have option to start supporting this feature (prior to GA) if you wish.


Thank you @SushantBista!

Just to clarify:

  1. Although realm pinning is EAP, we can consider it as production ready and make it available for customers, is that correct? I thought that we’d be able to enrol specific customers to try it out first…
  2. Also, I suppose that (re)install behaviour of apps when the user changes the region where a particular Jira instance is pinned to, is still under discussion and there will be some updates about this soon, as you said, correct? I’d expect Jira not to change the region of the app if its own region changes, until realm-to-realm migration is made available.

Thank you.


Anyone from Atlassian interested in responding here Community request: a final definitive complete all encompassing announcement on Data Residency?