`self` url return into search url instead of ticket url

This issue started on Tuesday (30/01/2024), we usually hit the api like this:

auth = HTTPBasicAuth(email, api_token)
headers = {"Accept": "application/json"}
query = {
    "jql": jql,
    "startAt": start_at,
    "maxResults": max_results,
    "expand": "changelog",
    "fields": "summary"
search_id_url = base_url + "/search"
search_id_response = requests.request(
    "GET", search_id_url, headers=headers, params=query, auth=auth

and it will returned like this


but suddenly when we hit the api again it returned a different result like this


As you can see above result, the self value has changed into the second result and it applied on every result that we hit.
Is there any changes on jira side or is this a bug?

Please kindly let me know if there’s anything. Thanks in advance!

Best regards

Hello @ClaudiaAnitaMagdalen

There seem to be a couple of problems with the self object being returned from various API endpoints suddenly changing. I’m currently discussing a near identical problem with someone in this Community forum thread.

I think someone at Atlassian might need to look into it further.

In the interim, I think you should lodge an official Bug report, as it is a fault.

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@ClaudiaAnitaMagdalen I confirm @sunnyape’s answer, adding a hyperlink to developer support.

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Thanks @sunnyape @ibuchanan ! I’ll report it as a bug.

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