Service proxy has been destroyed with UPM2.22.18

Hi All,

we have recently added a listener class to custom plugin, and used pluginEnabled event to capture the plugin details.
We are facing the runtime issue on service proxy, when we use Jiraversion 7.12.3 and UPM 2.22.18 or 2.22.17, but not with same version of Jira and UPM3.0.1(latest)

Showing the logs with ServiceProxyDestroyedException this reproduce in Jiraversion 7.12.3 and UPM 2.22.18 or 2.22.17

java.lang.RuntimeException: service proxy has been destroyed.

We appreciate all your opinions and suggestions.

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Hi @kiran.muthoju,

This exception usually occurs when another version (such as an older version) of your app has been running and has not deregistered itself properly when being updated or uninstalled.

It can usually be fixed by restarting Jira. Please see if this fixes your problem with the old UPM version.


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Thanks you @tobitheo. Thanks for your time.

Hi @tobitheo,

Not able to reproduce the issue today, we installed JIRA7.12.3, default UPM2.22.9 is available. And also tried after upgrading to UPM2.22.18 and UPM3.0.1.

My plugin is using UPM2.22.

Thanks lot.