Servlet Browser Access for Servlet Tutorial

I am working through the Basic plugin tutorial. From other reading, I know that the tutorials are good, but a lot of parts of them are inaccurate due to version and other changes.

I am at the part where the servlet module is installed and run. The startup seems nominal (the Tomcat access port is indicated as 5990 instead of 2990 as indicated in the tutorial). I can access the refapp web page and see the plugin installed correctly.

The tutorial then asks to access the servlet via http://localhost:2990/jira/plugins/servlet/myservlet (I changed the port to 5990 as well), but I get a Status 404 Not Found error for port 5990 and an Unable to Connect with 2990.

I looked for the atlassian-connect.json file, but it doesn’t appear to be anywhere in the project folder (and I’m not even certain whether that file is needed).

Any thoughts on how to resolve the prior? Any assistance is appreciated!

Found out how to get to the servlet!

When I login to the refapp, I changed the last part of the URL to “myservlet” and saw the “Hello World” that should be there. The entire path is: http://localhost:5990/refapp/plugins/servlet/myservlet