Set applicable issue type for project context in groovy

I am creating my own script plugin which sets up several instances of ScriptField fields. The ScriptField fields currently all “live” in the GlobalContext, which is not really what I would like to have.

In Jira I also have the possibility to choose the applicable issue types inside of a project context for every custom field. But how do I do this in groovy?

I extended the ProjectContext, set the IssueType to my desired type and overwrote the methods returning the information.

This is what I currently have:

public class CustomIssueContext extends ProjectContext {

    private Project project;
    private IssueType issueType;

    private ComponentAccessor accessor;

    public CustomIssueContext(Long projectId, Long issueTypeId) {
        project = ComponentAccessor.getProjectManager().getProjectObj(projectId);
        Collection<IssueType> types = accessor.getIssueTypeSchemeManager().getIssueTypesForProject(project);
        for(IssueType it : types){
                issueType = it;

    public Project getProjectObject() {
        return project;

    public Long getProjectId() {
        return project.getId();

    public IssueType getIssueType() {
        return issueType;

    public String getIssueTypeId() {
        return issueType.getId();

And I use it like this in another class (not mentioned variables are declared earlier):

ScriptFieldCreationInfo.Builder builder = ScriptFieldCreationInfo.Builder.newBuilder()
if (searcher) {

CustomIssueContext ic = new CustomIssueContext(10247L, 10144L)

if (template == "custom") {
CustomFieldCreationInfo info =

But this is not working. I am able to set the project context but not the applicable issue type. How do I do this correctly?