Sharing custom fields created dynamically in-app with Next-Gen projects


I’m currently struggling with Next-Gen projects :-/

Custom fields created with jiraIssueFields (atlassian-connect.json) are accessible from Next-Gen projects, but custom fields created dynamically in-app are not shown.

1 - I don’t see any rest end-point to create specific custom fields inside a NextGen Project

2 - Another option would have been to create a custom fields as “Connect Apps” by setting the same kind of field type : com.atlassian.plugins.atlassian-connect-plugin:… and key $(app-key)__$(field-key) but this is not possible based on Rest documentation

This is a very annoying limitation for addons trying to offer the same level of features for NextGen users.

Do you have any suggestion or workaround that could help ?

Thanks !
Best regards,