Sharing Jira Oauth App as a admin of the app

Hi there,

I have a Jira app I’m creating for my company. We created the integration, it’s working successfully, and now I want to add one of my team members as another admin on the app so they can manage it as well in case. But, I cannot seem to find the admin permissions tooling.

Is it possible to add team members to these apps? Thank you!

App ID: c8a345c3-39c8-4452-97e8-c96fe60e1c02

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Hi @AnshulAggarwal and welcome! I’m just looking to see if this is documented and will get back to you soon.


Hi again Anshul

At the moment, it isn’t possible to share your 3LO app between multiple users, but it is possible to change the admin for an account.

The way others have managed this is:

  • Set up a new app admin user account via the atlassian developer console, and
  • Transfer the app to the new account.

You can request to have your app transferred by raising a Developer and Marketplace Support request

I hope this helps,