Hi, My use case is to only allow showing projects based on supportedProjectIds that are saved as addon data. I’m trying to perform the filter as “app.properties[‘aq-connect-settings’].supportedProjects.includes(project.properties.id || project.id)” But seems like project variable isn’t available here. I’m using Connect based app. Any idea how can this be acheived?
"jiraIssueContents": [{
"icon": {
"width": 18,
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"url": "/accelq.svg"
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"type": "web_panel",
"url": "/aq-traceability"
"tooltip": {
"value": "Traceability"
"conditions": [{
"condition": "jira_expression",
"params": {
"expression": "app.properties['aq-connect-settings'].supportedProjects.includes(project.properties.id || project.id)"
"contentPresentConditions": [
"condition": "user_is_logged_in"
"jiraNativeAppsEnabled": false,
"name": {
"value": "ACCELQ Traceability"
"key": "aq-traceability"