Show Plugin based on add filter condition Jira Experssion

Hi, My use case is to only allow showing projects based on supportedProjectIds that are saved as addon data. I’m trying to perform the filter as “[‘aq-connect-settings’].supportedProjects.includes( ||” But seems like project variable isn’t available here. I’m using Connect based app. Any idea how can this be acheived?

"jiraIssueContents": [{
            "icon": {
              "width": 18,
              "height": 18,
              "url": "/accelq.svg"
            "target": {
              "type": "web_panel",
              "url": "/aq-traceability"
            "tooltip": {
                "value": "Traceability"
			"conditions": [{
				"condition": "jira_expression",
				"params": {
					"expression": "['aq-connect-settings'].supportedProjects.includes( ||"
            "contentPresentConditions": [
                    "condition": "user_is_logged_in"
            "jiraNativeAppsEnabled": false,
            "name": {
                "value": "ACCELQ Traceability"
            "key": "aq-traceability"