Sounding the alarm on the Platform 7 release, just to be able to say "told you so" 😉

Hi Developer Community,

First of all, we want to thank everyone for the feedback and thank Remie for raising this topic. We’re aware of the communication gaps and we know that all the information is currently distributed across different places. We’re working on consolidating all the sources and improving our communication with you.

Right now, we’re taking a step back to prepare the first comprehensive summary of changes that we’re making within the Platform 7 release and to ensure that your migration to it will be smooth and simple

Check out the summary of changes for the Platform 7 release. Please note that this summary is rather a preview of what we’ve done and continue to do. We’ll be sharing more information with you during our work.

Platform 7 is our strategic way of dealing with increasing security issues. We understand that it might be challenging, and we all need to make an extra effort to get used to the changes. We’re committed to helping you with the migration and want to work together to make these changes smooth for all our partners. Our engineers are still finishing the changes for Platform 7. We prioritize getting a stable version of Platform 7 ready and integrated into the Atlassian Data Center products to get an EAP (Jira 10, Confluence 9, Bitbucket 9, Bamboo 10, Crowd 6) in your hands as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we’re putting together detailed developer guides for all the changes to make the migration as smooth as possible. Also, we appreciate all the feedback and are doing our best to provide clear information on what is to come. Stay tuned, and thank you for your continued cooperation.