Supporting macros for anonymous Users

Currently, it’s not possible to make macros visible to anonymous users. This issue is classified as “Minor” in terms of priority and has been lingering without adequate attention from Atlassian for quite some time.

The parent ticket is no longer open and is marked as “Resolved.”

I consider this feature to be a “Major” feature. Otherwise, macros don’t make much sense. If Forge is supposed to be a suitable solution to Connect, these missing features need to be addressed.

Please vote for this. [FRGE-1145] - Ecosystem Jira


Also comment on the issue with the following:

This issue prevents us from migrating our macros from connect to forge.

This will bring more urgency than just upvoting/liking as Atlassian want vendors to use Forge over Connect


Thanks for the feedback. We built support for anonymous users on the JSM portal earlier this year but haven’t rolled it out the Confluence yet.

We know it’s a gap with Connect we need to address and FRGE-1145 has quickly risen to be a top 5 FRGE ticket by votes. We still don’t have an ETA to share but follow that ticket and we’ll keep you updated.


It appears that this feature is missed by many users. What I’m criticizing here is that the priority of the ticket does not seem to reflect the actual need (ranked with a low priority).


Hello @AdamMoore

Please, does your team have an ETA now?