I have to create table in dahsboard item for JIRA cloud but table design guideline is missing. I checked this - Tables - AUI Documentation and clicked https://atlassian.design/latest/product/components/tables/ but information not exist.
Hi @SwapnilDhondkar ,
Thanks for reporting this. I’ve passed this on to the AUI team.
Hi @SwapnilDhondkar,
Table (aka DynamicTable) docs lives in Atlaskit at the moment. Unfortunately, there are no current design guidelines for Table yet, but we’re working on migrating them over to atlassian.design
Just as an FYI for the future, if you’re working on a cloud product, you can look for relevant documentation in atlassian.design. This site houses all the ADS (Atlassian Design System) documentation, which is for cloud products. https://aui.atlassian.com is for AUI (Atlassian UI), which is for server products. Hope this helps!
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