Tables with Numbered columns - Jira editor tables

Hello all,
I have a problem related to Jira editor tables → numbered columns.
When we are in the field description and create a table and select the option Numbered column, it creates a table with automatic numbering

but the HTML we receive is this:

<div class='table-wrap'>
<table class='confluenceTable'><tbody>
<th class='confluenceTh'><b>Ola</b></th>
<th class='confluenceTh'><b>ola</b></th>
<th class='confluenceTh'><b>ola</b></th>
<td class='confluenceTd'>ola</td>
<td class='confluenceTd'>ola</td>
<td class='confluenceTd'>ola</td>
<td class='confluenceTd'>ola</td>
<td class='confluenceTd'>ola</td>
<td class='confluenceTd'>ola</td>

Is there any way to know the numbering or added the numbering to the HTML?

Andreia Costa