Tempo API won't accept Bearer Token

I’m trying to create worklog entries in tempo through the https://api.eu.tempo.io/4/worklogs API, but tempo always return 401.

I’ve managed to get the OAuth workflow working and can successfully retrieve a token from the tempo API, it something like:

  "expires_in": 2591999,
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "scope": "accounts:manage accounts:view activities:produce activities:view approvals:manage approvals:view audit:view papertrail:view periods:view plans:manage plans:view projects:manage projects:view rates:manage rates:view schemes:manage schemes:view teams:manage teams:view worklogs:manage worklogs:view",

However, when I try a POST a new worklog or even a GET to https://api.eu.tempo.io/4/accounts with Authorization: Bearer 25XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXX_XXXXX-us I always get a 401. Is there something that needs to be done to the bearer token before using it?

sign, 5min later an found the problem. When I use api.tempo.io instead of the EU API and it works. This is really strange, since I’m in the EU and did authenticate to the EU endpoint, but whatever, it works.