Testing GDPR reports

We’re currently implementing GDPR compliance and we want to test our changes before they go live.

How could we test GDPR personal data reporting and get different account statuses such as “updated” or “closed” in response? We’ve tried to remove users, change their personal data, but we’re always getting 204 status code, which means that no action by the app is required.

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@bartlomiej.styczynsk -Thanks for your question, we need to update our docs. Currently, only notifications will be sent for “closed” accounts. Sending responses for “updated” is an improvement we’e got on our backlog.

In order to get a response for “closed” you will need to actually close an Atlassian Account and wait 14 days (not recommended for your actual Atlassian Account since data deletion is irreversible).

In terms of testing, I will need to get back to you on an approach. We’ve tested the service with closed accounts and received the appropriate responses. Perhaps we could share an accountID that was previously closed for you to include in your report so that you can see the expected response.


Hi @bartlomiej.styczynsk, I have created AC-2485 to improve the guide, but please note the first comment in the issue in which I have identified an active and inactive account ID.


Hi @akassab, @dmorrow,
Thank you for your responses. In that case, we’ll be monitoring the ticket.

The user privacy developer guide now identifies an accountId that can be used for testing the “closed” use case.