We have need to upload configuration files in a Forge UIKIT app, but when trying to use a Textfield with type “file” the file content is not available.
Is there a way other than pasting file content in a textarea?
File pickers aren’t available in the UI Kit (See Jira). You can use a Custom UI or try to do something with attachments, but not just upload files (which at the moment will likely exceed Forge Storage limits).
I need to read the content of a big json and send the content to the appropriate storage. As much as I understood Custom UI is not really suggested anymore.
right now the link to the docs “Learn more about custom-ui” in this page https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/user-interface/#custom-ui is broken.
I think Custom UI is still just as suggested, depending on the use case. The link should probably go here: https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/extend-ui-with-custom-options/
There’s an option in preview for just one-off frames for specific needs: https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/ui-kit/components/frame/
Thanks for your suggestion,
I understand that right now this might be the only way to achieve the result, sadly this still looks like an hack.