The given ADFEntity cannot be inserted in the current position

Hi everyone!
Did someone see the “The given ADFEntity cannot be inserted in the current position. Error: extension: ‘attrs’ validation failed.” on storing config properties? I don’t see any documentation on config restrictions. Did I miss something?

I have this issue too. But only on a staging instance, not in development. Has anyone of the forge guys any clue what this error is about?

Oh! I figure out that it doesn’t work if I try to edit just created macro. But if I copy it I’m able to update it without an error.
@ThorstenKamann thanks for idea! I’ll check on a staging instance as well.

But this can’t be a work around? I tried by myself and this works fine.
How do you handle this error right now?

Frankly speaking, I’m blocked for now :frowning:
I’ve figured out that there are two unsupported attributes in adf doc node: forgeEnvironment and render. I can create a macro first time because there is no doc node yet. but on the further editing incoming doc node holds “unsupportedNodeAttribute” mark that blocks submit operation. I’ve updated all dependencies to the latest including forge cli but it didn’t help.
Trying to understand when and why such attributes appears and how I can avoid this.
Any ideas?