The very beginning. Using Postman

I will start by stating that I’m not a software developer, I’m just someone that knows little bit about programming.

My goal is to build my own front-end version of Jira Kanban, so at this very early stage, I’m struggling with the basics, which is practicing GET and POST commands using Postman.

Can someone explain how I can use Postman with Jira? I have generated the token, encrypted (I think I did right) but it just won’t work.

Thank you.

Hello @RafaelIbanhez,

What was the error you got in Postman?
Are you connecting to Jira cloud or DC?

I suspect cloud as you have created this in Jira cloud

Have you looked at the documentation?

Try just calling your profile at first
This is all you need to configure to get this working.

URL https://{YOUR_SITE}

Basic auth :

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