Third party control misbehaving with forge app custom-ui

I have created app using forge app > custome-ui > global page.

In that I have added control of the third party like ag-grid , drop down. It’s working without forge working well but it’s causing issue with forge app. seems multicheck box not appear well. Grid columns are not showing checkbox, expand facility, etc. It’s not specific to grid and drop down. It’s almost with every third party control that some functionality is not behaving well with forge app.

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Any chance that the third party tool you’re using is trying to retrieve some additional CSS/JS from somewhere? If so, you’d need to set the correct permissions in the manifest.yml for things to work.
Checking if there’s any errors in you browser console is a good start to see what might be going wrong.

Thanks for the reply. can you share any examples what needs to be add in manifest file. for ex. i’m using ag-grid with expand collecpse features.

Can anyone help me on this to resolve. I have done mostly all the thing what i founds on google :smiley: :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_peeking_eye: