Third-party cookie will be blocked. Learn more in the Issues tab

Cookies with the SameSite=None; Secure and not Partitioned attributes that operate in cross-site contexts are third-party cookies. In future Chrome versions, reading third-party cookies will be blocked. This behavior protects user data from cross-site tracking.

I’m seeing a lot of these messages in the console now.

The issues tab says that Atlassian’s cross domain cookies are the problem:

Are you getting this fixed soon?

Here’s the timeline for when it will break things:


Hi @david ,

Thank you for reporting this. I’ve created CONFCLOUD-77645: Chrome console errors: Third-party cookie will be blocked. Hopefully the Confluence team will fix this soon.



@dmorrow They’ve decided not to fix it.

I’m excited to see what happens when no one can login on any Confluence tenant. Can’t imagine that people will be upset.


Hi @david ,

Thanks for the prod. I’ve added a comment to suggest the issue is re-opened and re-assigned.



Hi @david, @dmorrow

To provide you with an update regarding this matter, we have conducted tests on Confluence by simulating the blocking of third-party cookies. The results indicate that the application functions smoothly without any significant issues. However, we did notice that in the Questions app, the avatars are not displaying the images of individuals as they should; instead, they revert to showing initials. We have informed the relevant teams about this, and they are currently addressing the issue. Our testing method followed the recommendations provided by Chrome. here

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