UI kit 2 with CustomUI rendering problem

We are implementing some custom field view screens using UI Kit 2. We are already using customui in other parts of the application. We have one tsconfig and package.json in customui folder. We use react 16 in custom ui, because Atlaskit and most other 3rd party components stil use react 16. When implementing UI Kit 2, we had to add React 18 to root package.json file (forge side, not custom ui) as guided by UI Kit 2 user manual. Everything is ok other than importing icon’s from @atlaskit/icon. We are using the latest version of @atlaskit/icon and our import is correct according to user manual. We can bypass the error with //ts-ignore and it works at runtime. I’m attaching complete error message and a screenshot showing the problem.

my import is import FolderFilledIcon from “@atlaskit/icon/glyph/folder-filled”;


have you tried using the Icon component from UI Kit 2 to reder the icon? https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/ui-kit/components/icon/

No because my custom ui part is distributed from UI kit part. I use atlaskit/icon package.