UI modifications changes to setValue and getValue contracts

Hello, community!

In the UI modifications module, the contract and signature for the setValue and getValue methods will be deprecated. The following fields will be affected:

  • priority
    • setValue the available argument type is string, values represent option ID
  • assignee
    • setValue the available argument types are string and null, values represent account ID
    • getValue the properties displayName and avatarUrls are deprecated and will be removed
  • single select
    • setValue the available argument types are string and null, values represent option ID
    • getValue the returned option shape name property is deprecated in favor of the value property
  • multiple select
    • setValue the available argument type is string[], values represent option IDs
    • getValue the returned option shape name property is deprecated in favor of the value property
  • user picker
    • setValue the available argument types are string and null, values represent account ID
    • getValue the properties displayName and avatarUrls are deprecated and will be removed
  • multiple user picker
    • setValue the available argument type is string[], values represent a list of account IDs
    • getValue the properties displayName and avatarUrls are deprecated and will be removed

All of the deprecated contracts and signatures will be removed after June 28, 2023.

For more information on what changes should be done prior to the deprecation end date, see the list of supported fields.


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