UIKit2: SectionMessageAction unexpectedly triggers page reload in Jira adminPage module (but not in Confluence globalSettings)

When clicking a SectionMessageAction (tested with the latest “GA” version of @forge/react@10.1.0) on a Jira adminPage module, a full page reload is triggered. This does not happen with Confluence globalSettings module that uses exactly the same UI code. See the below screencast:


I’ve put together a very simple Forge app to demonstrate the issue: GitHub - shushen/forge-sectionmessage-jira. The demo app has nothing more than the following from the bare-bone Forge demo app:

        title="Warning Title"
            onClick={() => console.log("Action clicked")}
        <Text>Warning message</Text>

This breaks Jira apps user experience and could cause loss of unsaved in-browser data upon page reload. For example, we use SectionMessage and SectionMessageAction to provide guidance and warnings as users making changes to the app configuration.

I created an ticket ECOHELP-38917 two days ago to report this issue but it hasn’t seen any attention yet. Any help would be very much appreciated.

I really like to see this fixed promptly, otherwise we will be forced to move away from SectionMessageAction, which really is a nice feature of the UIKit2.

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Just found out that LinkButton has the exactly the same problem, which might not be surprising as the SectionMessageAction could have been implemented as a LinkButton? I’ve updated the demo app to include a LinkButton:

      <LinkButton onClick={() => console.log("LinkButton clicked")}>
        Link Button
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Hi @shushen thanks for reporting this issue. I’ve raised a bug ticket for this here [FRGE-1376] - Ecosystem Jira and will look to prioritise a fix for this

Update: thanks for your patience. This has now been fixed