Unable to install onto Forge environment - Error performing sync with Connect: Something went wrong while trying to sync your app with Connect. Please contact Atlassian support

Hello, suddenly I started to repeatedly get the following error whenever I try to run a “forge install” command -

“Error: Error performing sync with Connect: Something went wrong while trying to sync your app with Connect. Please contact Atlassian support.”

When “–verbose” flag is added I’m additionally seeing below output:
"Request ID: 80d86bae0f164a7c941d7dd97014f74c

Result: {
  "appInstallationTask": {
    "state": "FAILED",
    "errors": [
        "message": "Error performing sync with Connect: Something went wrong while trying to sync your app with Connect. Please contact Atlassian support.",
        "extensions": {
          "statusCode": 502

The error doesn’t go away after time, and is completely blocking further development.

What could be the root cause please and how to overcome it?

It is likely some block/issue on my user account - as now if I try to deploy a simple hello world application following a tutorial here I also get the same error every time.

Hi @DmytroStasyuk,

Thanks for raising this - we’re looking into it. It looks like this may be recovering now, could you please try installing your app again and let us know if things are working?


Hi @SeanBourke,

Yes the install is working for me again. What was this issue caused by? Anyway to avoid this from happening in the future? I’ve had this once in the past already, so this was second time.

Thank you.

Hey @DmytroStasyuk,

This error was caused by an incident on our end, more details are available here. Hopefully you shouldn’t see this again.