Unable to resolve ehcache-root but able to resolve ehcache-core from Atlassian maven repo

We are running Nexus 2 and mirroring Index of maven-atlassian-all/ repo.

We can resolve net.sf.ehcache.internal:ehcache-core:2.10.10-atlassian-2 from Atlassian maven repo, but we cannot resolve net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-root:2.10.10-atlassian-2 . encache fork of atlassian, we do understand this is not maintained anymore but we should be able to download existing artifacts/pom and we don’t understand why this is difficult (I don’t think this is an authentication issue, we can browse and download the pom file)

For long time we believed it was an issue with mirroring, then we tried to resolve directly from mvn cli, by simply pointing to Atkassian maven repo, still we got same result

mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-root:pom:2.10.10-atlassian-2
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------< org.apache.maven:standalone-pom >-------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- dependency:3.7.0:get (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---
[INFO] Resolving net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-root:2.10.10-atlassian-2:pom with transitive dependencies
Downloading from maven-atlassian-all: https://packages.atlassian.com/artifactory/maven-atlassian-all/net/sf/ehcache/ehcache-root/pom/ehcache-root-pom.pom
[WARNING] The POM for net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-root:2.10.10-atlassian-2:pom is missing, no dependency information available
Downloading from maven-atlassian-all: https://packages.atlassian.com/artifactory/maven-atlassian-all/net/sf/ehcache/ehcache-root/pom/ehcache-root-pom.2.10.10-atlassian-2
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  0.704 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-10-16T19:54:57+05:30
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.7.0:get (default-cli) on project standalone-pom: Couldn't download artifact: org.eclipse.aether.resolution.DependencyResolutionException: The following artifacts could not be resolved: net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-root:2.10.10-atlassian-2:pom (absent): Could not find artifact net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-root:2.10.10-atlassian-2:pom in maven-atlassian-all (https://packages.atlassian.com/artifactory/maven-atlassian-all/) -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoExecutionException
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Hi @ShivaharikumarB

Same issue on ehcache : Could not find artifact net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:jar: in atlassian-proxy

Did you find a solution ?

Seems like the solution is to add the Terraccotta repository: https://repo.terracotta.org/maven2/ as stated here: Platform 7 upgrade in progress: Learn about the first highlights and changes - #89 by EliasBrattliSorensen