Unauthorized request when trying to access /hello-world in atlassian-connect-express app

I created an app following this guide bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-connect-express and it worked when rendering the .hbs template , but when I switched to .jsx react template at routes/index.js

, I get this error : Unauthorized: Could not find authentication data on request .

{ ctx: {} } Authentication verification error (401):  Could not find authentication data
 on request
GET /hello-world 401 14.015 ms - 783

Can anyone help me with this ?

Hi @ZiadGhouzlani , welcome to the developer community!

When requesting this route, are you using your app within Jira, or loading that route directly in your browser?

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Thank you Ive just found out that its accessible within the jira instance only !

Hello, is there posibility to send request from other server/postman to connect app?