Understanding the unavailability of BaseURL within Atlassian Forge

Thanks for your response.

While we can indeed access Jira instance info via GET /rest/api/3/serverInfo, this requires an API call which is not always possible (custom ui).

Consider an Enterprise client with numerous sites using a unified hour booking system. We have a Forge app that generates a link for hour booking, with the link clicked by users to book hours. A worklog is then created in Jira through an integration between the two systems. The problem arises in identifying the specific site involved - the baseURL, if readily available, would facilitate this.

More importantly, by having the baseURL as part of the link, changes in the site’s baseURL would not affect the functionality, as the link would always contain the current baseURL.

This is just one of many scenarios where access to baseURL within the productContext could enhance the effectiveness and robustness of our Forge applications.

Please also find more use cases and related discussions in these two threads:

It would greatly help the community if Atlassian could consider including baseURL in the productContext.

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