JIRA Service Desk has a number of elements of its API which are currently defined as experimental but that is about to change. With an upcoming release of JIRA Service Desk, a number of the methods in our API will be moving out of the experimental state and into standard API state. For most of these components the API will remain unchanged, but for some there will be adjustments which will represent a breaking change.
The breaking changes that we’re introducing are only in our experimental API and are relatively minor. They revolve around changes to IDs that will be updated to return integer values rather than longs. This helps us internally to align with the values that we store in the JIRA database. The changes stop us from having to do a lot of unnecessary type conversion.
Rather than list out all the changes here I’d urge you to take a look at the preparing for JIRA 7.5.0 notes which can be found at the following url: https://developer.atlassian.com/display/JIRADEV/Preparing+for+JIRA+7.5 This page provides a more indepth look at the changes we are making. Alternately, check the JSD Javadoc once JIRA 7.5.0 is released.
We’ll be putting together an EAP of these changes in the coming weeks for developers to start testing and validating.