Update title in manifest for module in code


Is it possible to set/override the title for a module defined in the manifest in code?


    - key: XXXXX
      resource: main
      render: native
        function: resolver
      **title: XXXXXXX**

Welcome to the Atlassian Developer Community, @AndyLyonette!

Yes, it is possible to change the title. Taking your example, for the jiraServiceManagement:portalUserMenuAction module, there is a title property you can use as mentioned in the documentation.

If you updated the manifest file while the app has been installed on a site/instance, you need to run a forge deploy and then upgrade the installation by running forge install --upgrade so that your manifest changes will reflect.

Hope this helps!


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Sorry, I wasn’t clear. To clarify, is it possible to override the title property specified in the manifest file. The use-case is having multiple app environments installed in a single site and wishing to differentiate between the 2 apps in the portal UI by being able to specify the title in config stored using the forge storage API.

  1. Locate the manifest.yml file
  2. Within the module definition, you’ll find a property called title. Update the value of this property to the new title you want to set for the module.
  3. Save the changes
  4. After saving the changes to the manifest file, redeploy your Forge app to apply the updates. You can do this using the Forge CLI. Navigate to your project directory in the terminal and run
    forge deploy
    forge install --upgrade

Does this mean there is no way to specify the title outside of the manifest file. Another use-case would be to allow the customer of the app specify the title of the module which is only possible if you can set/override the title outside of the manifest file.

Thanks for clarifying the use case, @AndyLyonette.

Yes, there is no way to change the title outside of the manifest file.

For this use case,

some Forge modules like Jira’s issue panel show a lozenge if it is in development or staging (see image below) so that you can differentiate the app deployment.

However, for the jiraServiceManagement:portalUserMenuAction module, I reached out to the team more knowledgeable about it and they told me that it does not currently support the environment indicator.


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