On the customer view, we have the requests and we could configure the columns that appear there.
I’ve added the Created date and Updated date, an example below:
However, I don’t have access to the Updated date field using the Jira Service Desk API.
I’m using this service: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/service-desk/rest/api-group-request/#api-rest-servicedeskapi-request-issueidorkey-get
Is there any way to retrieve this data from the customer view?
Best regards,
Mário Ferreira.
Good point, @MarioFerreira.
I don’t know if there is a way to do it through the service-desk
API. Have you tried all the expand
parameter options?
The only work-around I can think is ask the link sent in _links.jiraRest
, which will give you the full data from the underlying issue.
Hi @ibuchanan, yes, I’ve tried all the expand fields options without success.
It doesn’t seem to be possible to retrieve this data from the service-desk API.
Should this be an improvement on your side?
Asking by the _links.jiraRest
doesn’t seem to be an option, the customer may not have permissions to call that service from Jira Software API.