Updates to jira:issuePanel and new confluence:spacepage

:no_entry_sign: REMOVED - Changes to the icon property of the Jira issue panel module
Following the release of the optional icon property, this property is now required for Jira issue panels to work. If the icon property is not set, Jira issue panels will no longer display in your app.

:sunrise: UPDATED - Changes to the Jira issue panel module
We’ve made the following changes to the Jira issue panel module:

  • The panel no longer displays by default. Instead, you’ll need to click an action button to add the panel to a Jira issue.
  • You can define a list of actions for a panel using the IssuePanelAction component.

:construction: NOTICE - DEPRECATION Earlier versions of Jira issue panel module
All versions of the Jira issue panel module at version 0.6.0 or earlier will be deprecated by 7 December 2020. Only versions equal to or later than 0.6.1 will be supported. If your version is not updated, the Jira issue panel module in your Forge apps will not work as expected.

Run npm install @forge/ui@latest on the command line to install the latest version of @forge/ui .

:tada: ADDED - Confluence space page module
Confluence Cloud now supports the space page module, which lets you render Forge apps in the content area of Confluence.

See SpacePage UI component reference documentation for more details.

Run npm install @forge/ui@latest on the command line to install the latest version of @forge/ui .