Updating issue priority in Jira cloud via API results in error

I want to change the priority of an issue in Jira cloud and I am unable to do so. Every issue I create is getting created with “medium” priority and I cannot find any option to change it while creating the issue or even updating it.

When I use the “Edit issue” endpoint to change the priority it provides me an error. Please follow:

I have tried by updating the “name” field also but getting the same error. Also I have tried to change the priority of the issue from the jira web itself but am unable to find any option to do so.

Could anyone please help me out regarding this as I’m stuck with this feature of our app?

Hi @SaaketGupta ,

By looking at your error message, it seems like you are having an issue with your screen configuration.
A screen is an arrangement of fields that are displayed when the issue is created, edited or transitioned through workflow. Each issue type is mapped with a screen scheme and a default screen for unmapped issues.

So firstly, you will have to figure out which is the Issue Type Screen Scheme for your project. You can find that under Settings > Issues > Screens > Issue type Screen Scheme. Once done, you will find a screen scheme under which a “Screen” column along with a “Actions” column. Click on that screen, for e.g., default, under that you will find various fields like reporter, assignee, priority etc. In case, priority is missing from it, add it using the screen edit option.

If priority field is missing in your screen config, it would also imply that you are unable view it on the issue web page. Hope, this clarifies. Most likely, it would resolve your issue but feel free to comment down any further doubts.


Hey @ShubhamTyagi,
Thanks for the reply. I’ve managed to find the part you’re referring to but I already seem to have the “Priority” column added in the default screen scheme.

Any ideas?

Hi @SaketKumar ,

Make sure you are trying to configure the right screen from the administration. Also, you can check the details of your issue types and the fields which can be set in screen using the expand query param in this api GET /rest/api/3/issue/createmeta .

Hope this helps.
