Upgrade Connect app to Forge

If a Connect cloud app has been released on Marketplace, is it possible make a next upgrade as Forge app, so the auto - upgrade pick that Forge upgrade?

Currently this is not yet possible. The forge team is working on adding support for Connect on Forge apps to retain their marketplace listing and gradually migrate to forge, but that feature is currently still being developed and not yet available. IIRC, they are aiming for a Q4’21/Q1’22 release.


Thanks for the fast reply. Such schedule is OK for us.

Hi @OndejMedek , thanks for your interest! We’re working on making sure everyone can be kept up-to-date on progress towards this goal, maybe via a public roadmap or set of FRGE tickets, but for now you can subscribe to this thread and the connect-forge tag (I’ve added it to this post).


Hi @OndejMedek , we’re almost ready to help the first few apps migrate. Would you be interested to work with us to see if your app is suitable to be one of those first few apps? Feel free to DM me if you’d rather discuss in private.

Hi @jhazelwood, our main interest in Forge was that it takes the burden to maintain cloud of the server part. After all, we were able make our tiny Connect app with static HTML page only (hosted on a CDN) and access Jira by AP in JavaScript, which is a good option for us, too. The app has been accepted in Marketplace just recently. We want to wait how it would be accepted by users first, and then maybe make changes.

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