Upgrade in production

I have this error when running it inside CI/CD for production but it says that I don’t have a permission. Can someone tell me what happened here? it will be a very big help and will save my career. Thank You


I don’t know if there’s enough detail in the screenshot. Which Forge CLI command are you running? Did you follow all the guidance about the setup for continuous delivery?

I was running forge install --upgrade $PRODSITE --non-interactive -e production and that error exists.

Hi @TristanJayJVirtudazo ,

Can you check in Contributors page in developer console as to what the role of the account doing the upgrade is ? Only admin, deployer and the owner can deploy changes to production

Also, is the account added to the site. Only people/accounts added to the site can install the app via CLI

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Hi! @ChandanaMeka

I deployed the app in production and generated a link for my workmates to test in our company’s jira workspace. My workmate is not added as a contributor and he is the admin of the company’s jira workspace. When I run my pipeline in staging where the deployed site’s admin is me it’s working fine. The error exists when the pipeline runs in production.

Does being an admin of the site necessary to be able to update the app through pipeline?