Upgrading ACE to 3.4.0 results in SequelizeUniqueConstraintError on AddonSettings Index creation


I’m trying to upgrade ACE Framework to 3.4.0 which removes the jugglingDB and introduces sequelize adapter.

I’m facing “SequelizeUniqueConstraintError” during the schema sync

This is how i’m starting the server

       //server started


Executing (default): CREATE INDEX "addon_settings_client_key_key" ON "AddonSettings" ("clientKey", "key") { logging: [Function],
  plain: false,
  raw: true,
  benchmark: undefined,
  transaction: undefined,
  fields: [ 'clientKey', 'key' ],
  parser: null,
  name: 'addon_settings_client_key_key',
  prefix: 'AddonSettings',
  supportsSearchPath: false,
  type: 'RAW' }
Unhandled rejection SequelizeUniqueConstraintError: Validation error

It is creating the index with same name “addon_settings_client_key_key”, is there a way to fix this?


Hi @lavakumar.dukanam,

It looks like the schema.sync() combination of the default storage of ACE on /installed in verify-installation.js might be duplicating the records.

What happens when you run your server as is:

// Boot the damn thing
http.createServer(app).listen(port, function(){
  console.log('Add-on server running at http://' + os.hostname() + ':' + port);
  // Enables auto registration/de-registration of add-ons into a host in dev mode
  if (devEnv) addon.register();

rather then after the sync()? Then go through the normal installation process.

For a better understanding of the flow, If you look into lib/index.js from ACE that handles the /installed lifecycle, you should see something like this:

	// installed POST handler
	// installed middleware (checks that the install event is complete and originates from an authorised host)
	function (req, res) {
	    var settings = req.body;
	    self.settings.set('clientInfo', settings, settings.clientKey).then(function (data) {
	        if (self.app.get('env') !== 'production') {
	            self.logger.info("Saved tenant details for " + settings.clientKey + " to database\n" + util.inspect(data));
	        self.emit('host_settings_saved', settings.clientKey, data);
	    }, function (err) {
	        res.status(500).send(_.escape('Could not lookup stored client data for ' + settings.clientKey + ': ' + err));

the self.setting.set part actually stores all tenant and app details for you. You might be interested in debugging that part.
