UQL searching users with defined property

I have set a property to user.

Searching by that property value does not return the user:

Why is that?

Hi Bartlomiej,
unfortunately there are a few issues with this.
First of all, it seems that the correct query in this case would be [is_biggantt_available] is "true", without the .value part.
Unfortunately this syntax is not supported by UQL yet, as it requires a path to be provided after the property key (the one enclosed in brackets).
For now a workaround would be, if at all possible on your part, to put this JSON as property value, instead of just true:

{ "value": true}

If you do this, your original query should work.

Unfortunately your example does not work for me.

Only query [is_biggnatt_available]. is true works properly.

Hi @bartlomiej.janczak,

Can you explain what you mean by [quote=“bartlomiej.janczak, post:3, topic:10864”]
Unfortunately your example does not work for me.
[/quote]? Did you try storing properties in the format Simone suggested?

This is still an experimental API and a query like [is_biggnatt_available]. is true that includes the . but without any path is not guaranteed to be supported in the future. We will introduce support for values without paths, like [is_biggantt_available] is "true" in the future.


Hi @dmeyer,

Yes please.

I have set a property to user:

When I use query like:

  1. [is_biggantt_available]. is true
  2. [is_biggantt_available]. is "true"

Then I get an expected result:

When I use query without a dot following @srusso first suggestion ([is_biggantt_available] is "true"), then I get Unable to parse UQL:

When I follow @srusso workaround, to put JSON as property value I came with following results, trying different queries:

  1. [is_biggantt_available] is {"value": true}:
  2. `[is_biggantt_available] is “{“value”: true}”:
  3. `[is_biggantt_available] is “{“value”: true}”:
  4. `[is_biggantt_available] is “{value: true}”:

For first suggestion query did not work as expected.
For workaround, either I did not construct proper query or it does not work as expected.
