Use Macro Configuration from UI Kit in Custom UI


I am trying to print Macro Configuration from UI Kit in Custom UI.
After following the instruction here I am able to configure my macro with parameters.

With Custom UI I am able to display my index.html from resources of manifest.yml

Even after trying a lot of different approaches (especially this one) I can not find a solution.

Including this code in an appropriate location in your frontend assets would result in "Hello, World!" appearing in your browser console.

What is that appropriate location? I tried App.js and index.js in src

Is there someone who got this to work?

I was able to resolve it on my own:
One of the main problems was that it was not yet clear to me that in /static/hello-world the following has to be done:

  • npm install react-scripts
  • npm run build

Once I understood that, the next steps were doable.