User Typed Issue Entity Property Not Working in JQL Search

Hello everyone,

I’m developing a Jira Forge app where I have an issue entity property of type user:


- path: user-prop
  type: user

To test this, I’m setting the issue entity property using the following REST API:

PUT /rest/api/2/issue/CMP-7/properties/myapp

The property is set with the following payload, using Atlassian account ID strings as specified in the documentation:

    "user-prop": [

However, when I attempt to search using JQL, I do not get any results:[myapp].user-prop is not EMPTY

This search works perfectly if I use a date type instead of a user type. Actually this was working a few weeks ago, I don’t know why it stopped working.
Has anyone encountered this issue before or have any suggestions on how to resolve it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Hello TuncaySenturk,

maybe it’s because you save multiple account ids in an array.

What happens, if you store just a single string, instead of a list?

Kind regards

Julia Janky

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Hi @JuliaJanky,

Thank you for your response. The functionality supports both array and single values, and it works with the date type. However, I recently discovered that dashes (-) do not work with the user type. I resolved this issue by changing the property name from “user-prop” to “userprop,” and it worked as expected. Keep in mind that dashes in property names work for everything except the user type, so be cautious when using dashes for issue entity properties.

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