Users with portal-only accounts can't access request properties they entered via create property panel

We use jiraServiceManagement:portalRequestCreatePropertyPanel to render one or more custom fields on customer portals and jiraServiceManagement:portalRequestDetail. Both of them have all the allowable options for unlicensedAccess in the manifest.

When creating a request, the custom field functions correctly for anonymous users and users with portal-only accounts, including saving the request properties. However, when these users try to look at their created requests (the anonymous ones creating a portal-only account in the process), the request property doesn’t get included in the Forge app’s context.

At first I have assumed it’s because portal-only accounts still count as anonymous, but that can’t be the case, because then the app shouldn’t get displayed at all (as anonymous users can’t be included in the manifest for portalRequestDetail). I have tried to include an unlicensedAccess array with the saved property per, but that didn’t work either.

Does anyone know what the problem is, please?

Solved by making a REST API request for the request properties instead. I still think the context should contain the info for people with portal-only accounts, though.