I am currently working on bringing data from elsewhere into Jira.
For this I converted all old issues + custom fields to be Jira compatible apart from descriptions from within issues and comments. Those, I converted to the ADF format in hopes that I could use the Jira JSON Import Plugin to then import new issues using said format.
Sadly what ended up happening was that the importer will validate these descriptions or comment contents and deem them as “invalid” which in turn causes the import to fail.
I want to retain historic data and as such cannot just use the API which seems to support the Atlassian Document Format when editing/creating issues and comments. I need to use the importer for this.
I can also not use the importer with dummy text and then edit the API thereafter to use the Atlassian Document Format as that would alter the ticket and comment change history, which needs to remain as pristine as possible.
Is there any way to use the ADF in descriptions and comments using the Jira Import Plugin or edit an issue/comment via API without altering the last “edit” timestamp?